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Updated: Jun 16, 2022

If you want a strong core, you NEED anti-movements.


If you want a six-pack, work on your diet.


The core is your main stabilizer, so we should train it like one.


Anti-movements do just that, they train you to keep your core stable while the rest of your body is moving dynamically.


Here are 3 examples of anti-movements:


Antirotation- think, “resist the twist”. We’re looking to load a movement pattern that would cause our body to rotate and we’re using our core to prevent that. Ex; pallof press, bird dog, shoulder taps


Antiextension- resisting the arch here. ex; planks, ab rollouts, body saw


Antilateral flexion- same as above but now we’re working laterally. Ex; suitcase carry, side plank, side plank row


Are you doing any of these?

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